Tuesday, September 30, 2008

always changing

Our bodies are always doing new and surprising things to us it seems. For instance, just last night, for the first time, my tummy gurgled. I haven't heard or felt a gurgle in nine months, but now, it's nonstop! All last night and into this morning I'm all rumbling and gurgling and what not.

I'm not sure if it's hunger ( I hope not! ) or just gas or what, but it's like, "hey! what are you doing in there?!"

It is reminding me that all things change, and with time, this phase I'm in will pass, and I'll have to rely on something stronger than just my lack of hunger or small pouch for strength to make the right choices.

I'll have to rely on me.

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

My stomach has done that since the first day... I don't think it's truly hunger for me... it's more of a digestive thing. Its funny though - if I'm ever in a quiet room - that's when it's the loudest!