Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today, someone asked me "what's the stuff you can't give up? the stuff you have to have?"

In regards to losing weight, and eating healthy, I don't feel like I've given up a lot. I know that's a patsy answer, and some people would stomp me for such a pollyanna response, but to completely authentic with you, I feel like I've gotten SO much more out of my new lifestyle than I've lost, so it's hard to answer.

As I wrote earlier, I do miss the spice cakes, and the apple muffins and the cinnamon creme doughnuts, but it's just for a few months...then all is moderately well again.

However, there are a few things I can't give up.

I cannot abide the notion of living in a world without my morning, and evening cuppa joe. When the time comes for mike and I to try and create us a little Huffster, I know I'm going to have to scale waaaay back on the caffeine, and I see that posing no small challenge, since I'm honest to goodness addicted to my java juice. I love it. I told my surgeon "the only thing barring me from having this surgery is having you tell me I'll never be able to drink coffee again." I was mostly joking, but it would have been hard. Luckily, he's of the camp that says "drink some, drink more water." I would shiver if I had one of those surgeons nazi's that said NO COFFEE FOR YOU!

Sugar free Red Bull. Again, feeds into my obvious addiction to caffeine. I love it. Luckily it's a low carbonation beverage, so the bubbles don't upset the pouch.

fruit. Okay, all you overcrazed and lunatic low carbers. I'm calling you out RIGHT NOW! If you really think I'm gonna stop eating my apples and nanas just to lose a quick pound or two, you're wonky. I knew that in order to lose weight and correct my messed up metabolism, I'd have to give up a lot of cookies, candies, cakes and crap. I'd have to eliminate all the sickening refined flours and enriched yuckiness that I was feeding my body. But, I knew from day one that I would never eliminate fruit from my diet just to shed pounds more quickly. Granted, there are days when I know I need to cut back on my fruit intake, since two-three bananas a day is probably not good for me in this stage of the game. However, you better believe that when I hit goal and start the maintaining life style, I will for sure be doing my part to kill the scurvy and down the berries!

and finally, I shall never give up butter/cream/dairy. Some people are hard-core and they don't do butter or cream or any kind of dairy product because of the fattening aspects of it all, but I'm about moderation, and Paula Deen wasn't my mother so I know how to NOT use a stick of butter in cooking. When I bake my tilapia, I pour on the lemon-pepper seasoning and yes, why yes I do add a small pat of butter to it for taste. tastes great.

all that to simply remind myself and others that living healthy means something totally different to me now than it did pre-surgery. It means getting more than I was before, and not missing what I'm missing.

Here's to all those delightfully delicious indulgences like baked apples with splenda and cinnamon. Seared halibut and asparagus. prime rib and sweet potato. Living the good life tastes fabulous!

1 comment:

KJ said...

I got that same song and dance from a WLS board about the fruit and decided "screw you!" I'm giving up my beloved processed sugar, so the natural stuff in fruit, STAYS! It keeps me honest and nothing tastes better to me these days than a peach, or grapes or a banana. I'll take the slow pound off in exchange for my fruit.

Oh and I'm with you on the coffee too and to an extent, the dairy. I do use the I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray for most things, but flavored creamer in my java? You betcha! And it isn't sugar free neither! I go with 1% milk on my cereal as skim just doesn't get it for me!