Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A tornado

Well, the amusement park was great. I road all rides successfully and with no physical duress. *clap, clap*

I wish I had strength and energy to go into how fun and great and lovely it was, but my heart is hurting today. I've had "a weekend." It was wonderful at times, and then, with an edge sharp and slicing, it cut deeply.

Without going into many details, a relationship I hold dear is falling apart, and crumbling. It will not likely survive.

Since this blog is primarily about my efforts to lose weight, eat healthy and live strong...I'll address how this crumbling relationship, this intense stress, and emotional upheaval affects a woman living post wls.

In this past week, I've lost ten pounds. I'm not sure I've lost that much weight in one week since the beginning of my weigh loss journey. It's not a healthy weight loss, and while any weight I lose makes me happy, this one doesn't have as much excitement attached to it. I've lost weight because I haven't been able to force myself to eat. I've been too full of anxiety and tumult to really know how to feed myself.

I know that I am different now. I am not like the rest of America in that my nutrition has a daily impact on how healthy I will be in the rest of my life. I am disturbed by the fact that I have probably not hit even half of my daily protein goals all week. Muscle wasting!?! Maybe. I've also been distracted and on more than a few occasions, forgot my vitamins. This too is a big no no.

Realistically, we all know that sometimes a little rain will fall into our lives, and that is ok. The sun will shine again. However, it's imperative that I and anyone else living lives like our own accepts that just like breathing, we have to do some things without fail, ever day. We must drink our water, eat our protein, take our vitamins and thank Jesus for new beginnings.

I'm learning that even a tornado can't destroy a foundation. So, I'm holding on to my foundations....and then I will pick up the pieces.


Meghan said...

My goodness, Lacy! Is this a friendship that you're losing or something worse... like family?

I'll be praying for you. Sounds like you know you need to take care of yourself.

KJ said...

Lace, I'm so sorry, but I hope the relationship between you and Mike is safe and secure.
Friends, we all lose them and it always sucks. I lost a few when Chris and I got married and a few more when we adopted kids. So far my pre-op friends are still my post-op friends, but anything can happen.
Hang in there, girly and if you ever need to talk, you know how to reach me!

Kim H. said...

I'm so sorry to hear this - I know the pain that you're going through... I've been through it recently as well. It's hard to realize that things change and sometimes relationships don't survive the big changes in life...but just know that if you need ANYTHING - I'm just an email away... or phone call, but you'll have to get that via email. :-) HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry baby girl...you know my number...use it any time...love ya, mean it!